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So the cat’s out of the bag, turns out cyclists too can have different sexualities. In a recent, amazing, publication for The British Continental, followed by featuring on the BBC LGBT Sport podcast, one of our coached athletes has come out to the world. Not that he was necessarily all the way in the closet before; but these two now viral pieces of journalism have opened so many eyes to the fact that it’s okay to be gay in cycling.

Clay Davies has been with RideRevolution for almost two years now and his riding has gone from strength to strength. And it may slightly be attributed to the fact that whilst with us he’s never had to hide this part of himself. And we are so proud of him for having the strength to be open with us and now everyone. Like he says it can be a daunting thing competing in a masculine dominated sport (although there are a lot of misconceptions with all the lycra and leg-shaving).

The article for The British Continental can be found here:

Whilst the BBC LGBT Sport podcast can be found here: (you may have to log in to listen)

Both are a wonderful insight into the events that lead up to Clay being able to tell his story so if you get a chance go have a read and a listen.

RideRevolution will be there every pedal turn of the way to help with his PrideRevolution.

Photo credit to Ian Wrightson